Hello battle masters of all shapes and sizes! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 15th choice of your battle master combat maneuvers today we’re going to be taking a look at sweeping attack dnd 5e which is absolutely perfect if you’re the kind of swordsman who just likes swinging and cleaving his way through several enemies in a single blow.
If this sounds like something you might like or something that really suits your character and their attitude let’s go over sweeping attack. The description written as followed and we can get an answer for how does sweeping attack work?: In any case you can also check out this fighter 5e article.
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can expend one superiority die to attempt to damage another creature with the same attack. Choose another creature within 5 feet of the original target and within your reach. If the original attack roll would hit the second creature, it takes damage equal to the number you roll on your superiority die. The damage is of the same type dealt by the original attack.
Oh man that is a wordy one i tell you. Let’s break it down in the overview section and kind of get the pros and cons out of this. Also read this is feint attack a good move
So when you boil it down a beneath all that fluff…When you hit, expend a superiority die, you can damage an adjacent creature with the same attack, using your superiority die. Apart from this you might also like to check out this sweeping attack dnd 5e spells article.
So that actually the way i word it is a little bit weird and the way the spell words it is a little bit weird too. So when it says same attack it’s actually miss the nomer, it’s the same attack action but it’s a different attack role. So you still have to roll in it same as usual. Also read this battle master 5e.
However it might also be worth noting it that there’s a strong argument for you to be unable to add your damage modifier on to the second attacks damage. As it specifies that you only noe damages equal to s superiority role. You can also read this trip attack 5e.
However i would make an argument that that if you had a weapon that was capable of doing extra damage like +1d6 fire damage or what have you. Then that damage would carry over to the new target as well. So i’d run it past your DM because as raw it says it takes damage equal to the number you roll in the superiority dice 5e and that implies that it’s unmodified.
So i’d run it past your DM see what they think and then basic from that. Personally i would rule it as though the bonus did not apply you’re like proficiency strength what have you. That bonus did not apply but the magical bonus would. You can also check out this menacing attack 5e.
That’s my personal thoughts on it, once again run a past your dm if this is something you’re planning on choosing, there’s a little bit of controversy surrounding it but it should be pretty yes or no answer. how to use sneak attack dnd.
In any case if you have any uses for this, if you think it’s great not so much if i might have missed anything please comment it down beneath in the comment section, i really do appreciate it and i really do love chatting with all you guys. So that being said, have a great day and as always happy adventuring. can you sneak attack with unarmed strike 5e | what is the bait and switch maneuver in d&D? | can you move between attacks 5e | what is the difference between brace and riposte 5e?.