DnD Transmuted Spell Metamagic

Hello sorcerers! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 10th and arguably final episode of the sorcerer metamagic series. I was given a lot of thought and i was chatting with some old friends and i don’t know if wizards of the coast is going to add in any more metamagics to 5e. I mean i hope they do and there’s tons of homebrew metamagics out there, that are quite good and i might do a couple of them in the distant future.

But i was given a transmuted spell 5e a lot of thought and i really do think that this metamagic 5e in particular was meant to address kind of a lot homebrew stuff that was going on and out side of that i can’t really think of any potential metamagic ideas that wizards of the coast would take seriously. I don’t know just speculation on my part but seeing as how the game’s been out for so long already and we’re only getting recent additions now and a lot of these did well.

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Transmuted spell for sure at least seems to be addressing homebrew stuff and i’ll get into that in a little bit. In any case we’re talking about transmuted spell sorcerer 5e today, this is the second and final metamagic that was added in during the tasha’s cauldron of everything book. In any case let’s dive right into its description here.


When you cast a spell that deals a type of damage from the following list, you can spend 1 sorcery point to change that damage type to one of the other listed types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, thunder.

And that’s really all there is to it. It’s really simple but it lends itself for not only some interesting damage opportunities but some absolutely awesome thematic elements and i’ll get into what i mean by that in a little bit here. But just really want to point out and put emphasis, if the spell doesn’t initially deal one of those damage types you can’t convert it into one of these damage types so like eldritch blast for example deals force damage you can’t convert it to one of these other types. You could, if it does acid damage you could, but it doesn’t so you can’t. So yeah now let’s move on to my personal thoughts.


So at a glance this is definitely best used for just spells that deal a ton of damage really! So fireball is going to be the obvious choice for this. Unlike a couple of the other metamagics there’s no cap on what kind of a spell this can be used for. So yeah bear that in mind. This will lead to a little bit of meta gaming as far as like stat blocks and resistances and things of that nature are concerned but i feel like a large part for the addition of transmuted spell is that a lot of people were just straight up homebrewing. In any case here i would like to ask you a question what is the best spell in d&d.

Which isn’t a problem at your own table but it is a problem when you get to things like adventures league and especially with the draconic bloodline sorcerer where they do get special perks for dealing special damage types. It’s really difficult to pick a damage type that works with the flavor of your character. If it doesn’t necessarily make sense with the better spells in the game.

Fireball of course being the obvious example. However in addition to that i think it makes for some excellent thematic elements that could come into play. For example what if you use this with a spell like call lightning right where it just rains down lightning bolts but what happens if you would change that damage type to i don’t know like fire which is doable using this metamagic.

You could flavor it where the sky starts to rain down firing droplets and every once in a while i don’t know a bunch of them focus on one person, i don’t know or like a fire tornado briefly appears over one individual. It’s really nice, i like it i think it’s cool. I’m 100% gonna be using it for some oneshots, i don’t know if it really fits with my character just because as i’m sure you’re tired of hearing i play lot of support base casters but man is this cool and not to mention the obvious it just provides a ton of versatility. Also check out absorb elements.

Especially when you get to higher levels and things like resistances and immunities start to factor in, this is a great way to still be a valid caster even if you did build your build around one or two different damage types. It’ll always keep you in the fight and i really like that, so long as you have sorcerery points but if you’re at higher levels. Odds are enough sorcery points to spare anyways so there’s that. Also check out this what is the heat metal transmuted spell?.


That being said, let me know what you think of transmuted spell down beneath in the comment section. Be sure to mention any thoughts, questions, comments or concerns you have regarding it. As well as any cool ideas or build concepts. In addition let me know if you think wizards of the coast come out with any new metamagics. Ihope you all have a wonderful day and as always happy casting. what level spell is polymorph.

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