Magic Mouth 5E Spell

Hello magic casters of all shapes and sizes! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 47th episode of our second level spell series. Today we’re looking at a very near and dear spell to me. We’re looking at magic mouth spell dnd 5e. Arguably one of my all-time favorite spells in d&d 5e just in general. It’s freaking fantastic.

It is usable by the bard, wizard and the artificer. And it is found in the good old players handbook. Now i would you want to point out that at a glance this spell doesn’t seem super great, but let me tell you with enough creativity and the right dungeon master. This spell can be a real game-changer. Let’s take a quick look at the mechanics before we really get into the nitty gritty though. Also read one of our communication spells 5e.

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  • Level: 2nd
  • Casting Time: 1 Minute (Ritual)
  • Range/Area: 30 ft
  • Components: V, S, M *
  • Duration: Until Dispelled
  • School: Illusion
  • Attack/Save: None
  • Damage/Effect: Communication

The effect at a glance is as followed: Embed a spoken message into an object within range. After circumstances which you specify play out, the message is spoken by the object. Don’t miss this magic initiate 5e and mage slayer 5e.

Your cast time is one minute and it can be ritual casted which is great! The range is 30 feet, the duration is until dispelled which is fantastic. The components are the holy trinity verbal, material and somatic and if you’re curious about that material component it is a small bit of honeycomb and jade dust worth at least 10 gold piece which the spell consumes so please bear that in mind. also read this mage hand 5e.

The school is illusion as well. Now let’s take a look at the full description and then we will talk about the game breaking implications after thae fact. The description reads as followed. You can also check out this message 5e.


You implant a message within an object in range, a message that is uttered when a trigger condition is met. Choose an object that you can see and that isn’t being worn or carried by another creature. Then speak the message, which must be 25 words or less, though it can be delivered over as long as 10 minutes. Finally, determine the circumstance that will trigger the spell to deliver your message.

When that circumstance occurs, a magical mouth appears on the object and recites the message in your voice and at the same volume you spoke. If the object you chose has a mouth or something that looks like a mouth (for example, the mouth of a statue), the magical mouth appears there so that the words appear to come from the object’s mouth. When you cast this spell, you can have the spell end after it delivers its message, or it can remain and repeat its message whenever the trigger occurs.

The triggering circumstance can be as general or as detailed as you like, though it must be based on visual or audible conditions that occur within 30 feet of the object. For example, you could instruct the mouth to speak when any creature moves within 30 feet of the object or when a silver bell rings within 30 feet of it. * – (a small bit of honeycomb and jade dust worth at least 10 gp, which the spell consumes)

My goodness! That is a wordy one. Let me tell you though, i love this spell, i think it is so cool. Let me tell you it is so cool. The fact that you picked the trigger and condition is probably one of the most broken things about this spell. So for example you can make it whenever someone on sheaths a blade it makes a humming sound or a whistle sound that you too can make. You can also check out magic missile 5e.

This spell also works really well within the actor feat or the mimicry trait to that a couple races possess. Kenku being the main one but there i’m pretty sure the changeling has something very close to that as well. In any case it is obnoxiously powerful for example you can make it as soon as someon’s hand touches the door, you can make it appear as though the kings voice is saying do not enter here i am changing or something like that, so the guard walks away, i don’t know i think there’s a lot of cool uses for it. That being said, let’s get into a couple of them with the magic mouth 5e uses section. Also read this manticore 5e.

Alternative Uses

So what are the clever uses of magic mouth? I think a cool alternative use is to just treat them as trinkets for the most part for example if you come across someone who is in the need of a timer let’s say to some extent or another. You could make anything really a rock, ball bearing whatever doesn’t matter. Basically make a whistling sound or a spoken message every 25 minutes something like that.

That seems to be within line of what the spell allows. Outside of that you can really use a spell to make plans go through it seamlessly. For example you can actually use this spell to deliver messages, so you could put a message into a ball bearing and hand it off to a raven and make the trigger condition when the ball bearing is within hearing distance of a certain NPC something along those lines that would be great. In any case you can also chekc out detect magic 5e uses. Also read can you use magic mouth to cast spells?.

And another cool use that i don’t see a lot of people talking about is using this spell to get yourself unlost essentially or track your progress, something along those lines. So you do as you take a large amount of objects like a large amount of stones or ball bearings something along those lines and you space them about 30 feet apart and you make the first, Apart from this you can also read is ki magic 5e.

You make into the triggering condition something like whenever someone gets close make a buzzing sound or whenever a previous ball bearing makes a buzzing sound this one also makes a buzzing sound something like that. Because the circumstances can be as detailed or as general as you like it makes sense you can have more than one set of circumstances. I’ve had some good luck with that in the past, my favorite warforged cranky’s is this a lot. Don’t miss this magic stone 5e and magic circle 5e.


In any case if you have any alternative ideas, thoughts, questions, concerns please put them down beneath in the comment section, i really do appreciate it. That being said, i hope you all have a wonderful day and as always happy casting everyone. Also read glyph of warding 5e | mass cure wounds 5e | mage armor 5e | magic items 5e | magic jar 5e | magic weapon 5e |

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