Elemental Adept Feat DnD 5E

Hello adventurers of all shapes and sizes! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 16th episode of our feats 5e series. Today we’re going to be taking a look at one of the most commonly picked and versatile feats in the players handbook. Today we’re going to be taking a look at elemental adept feat dnd 5e. As mentioned previously it is found in the players handbook and it is perfect for you at magic casting specialists out there are you elemental wizards.

That being said, if you’re unfamiliar with how feats work or when you get them you usually get them every four levels or so and you get them instead of your ability score increase. They’re essentially ways you can add extra features, traits and abilities to your character and make them a little bit more personalized in the process. That being said, let’s take a quick look at the description for elemental adept so that we can get to know what does this feat do?.

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There is a prerequisite for this feat and that is you have to be able to cast at least one spell. Which really makes sense when you think about it. And the description reads as followed.

When you gain this feat, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. Spells you cast ignore resistance to damage of the chosen type. In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals damage of that type, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different damage type.

Very cool stuff! and pretty self-explanatory as well. That being said, let’s take a look at the walkthrough so we can flesh it out just a little bit better.


So essentially step one. Pick a damage type acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder. Step two be aware the fact that it ignores resistance not immunity and one on damage eyes are treated as two. It doesn’t mean you get to reroll the damage die or anything like that it essentially it doubles your minimum damage which is quite good in the long run.

This feat can be chosen more than once, so long as it is a different element each time. So really cool stuff, i like the implications for this thematic will meet automatically more than i like the actual mechanical benefits. I’m not saying it’s not a strong feat but i’ll get into that more a little bit later. You know what let’s just do it now, let’s take a look at my personal thoughts on it.


So as i mentioned earlier i like it thematically more than i like it mechanically. Reason being i love the idea of a spellcaster falling in love with one particular element and honing is entire magical ability and connection with the weave to better suit that elemental. That’s super cool. Also check out flames of phlegethos.

Is elemental adept bad? Mechanically it’s really good to ignore resistance is fantastic and doubling your minimum hit die is also really good too. You know who benefits most from it, i really gotta say well the casters in all honesty. I think the two most likely culprits are probably wizards and yeah you know wizards and sorcerers and maybe even clerics as well.

Just because they get access to the larger spell list so for that reason you know really good. Terms are the best element to pick you know what it’s super campaign dependent a good example this is fired so there’s more fire related dispels and there are any other spells in the game but there are also more fire immune creatures, flame immunity is one of the most common immunity is so. Also read dnd 5e flame blade.

It really does depend what kind of enemies you’re going up against, so tune it to your own campaign and tune it’s your own flavor as well. If you find you’re using a lot of lightning lure and a lot of lightning based spells then it makes sense to pick lightning even if it’s not the most optimal one to pick. This is a fun feat and it’s fun to use as such.

Wrap Up

That being said, If you have any crazy ideas, any builds or any cool stories involving the elemental adept i’d really like to hear them down beneath in the comments and i know everyone else checking this article would as well. So as always thank you so much guys and happy adventuring. Also read metamagic adept 5e.

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