Simple Weapons in 5e: A Comprehensive Guide


When diving into the world of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (5e), one of the first choices you’ll make for your character is what kind of simple weapons 5e they’ll wield. For many adventurers, simple weapons are the go-to choice. But why are they so important? Let’s explore the realm of simple weapons in 5e and understand why they are a staple in any adventurer’s arsenal.

What Are Simple Weapons 5E?

Simple weapons in 5e are, as the name suggests, basic and straightforward weapons. They are designed to be easy to use and are accessible to all classes. Unlike martial weapons, which require specific training, simple weapons can be effectively wielded by anyone, from the lowliest wizard to the mightiest barbarian.

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Simple melee weapons

Why Choose 5E Simple Weapons?

The main allure of simple weapons lies in their accessibility and ease of use. Every class in 5e has proficiency with simple weapons, making them a versatile choice for any character. Whether you’re creating a new character or equipping a backup weapon, simple weapons are a reliable choice.

Simple Weapons List in 5e

Simple weapons are divided into two categories: melee and ranged.

Melee Weapons

  • Clubs
  • Daggers
  • Greatclubs
  • Handaxes
  • Javelins
  • Light Hammers
  • Maces
  • Quarterstaffs
  • Sickles
  • Spears

Martial Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons

  • Light Crossbows
  • Darts
  • Shortbows
  • Slings

simple ranged weapons

Detailed Analysis of Melee Simple Weapons 5E


Clubs are the epitome of simplicity. A heavy stick with a thick end, clubs are easy to craft and use. They deal a decent amount of damage (1d4 bludgeoning) and are perfect for characters who need a straightforward weapon.

Pros: Easily obtainable, simple to use, no special training required. Cons: Low damage compared to other weapons.


Daggers are small, versatile blades that can be used for both melee and throwing attacks. They deal 1d4 piercing damage and have the finesse and light properties, making them ideal for dexterous characters.

Pros: Versatile, can be thrown, finesse weapon. Cons: Low damage output.


Greatclubs are larger versions of clubs, dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage. They are two-handed weapons, requiring more strength to wield effectively.

Pros: Higher damage than a regular club. Cons: Requires two hands, making it less versatile.


Handaxes are small, one-handed axes that can also be thrown. They deal 1d6 slashing damage and are perfect for characters who want a balance between melee and ranged capabilities.

Pros: Can be thrown, decent damage. Cons: Limited range when thrown.


Javelins are long spears that can be thrown. They deal 1d6 piercing damage and have a good range, making them excellent for characters who prefer to keep their distance.

Pros: Good range, versatile for melee and ranged. Cons: Limited to piercing damage.

Light Hammers

Light hammers are small, one-handed hammers that can be thrown. They deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage and are a solid choice for characters needing a simple ranged option.

Pros: Can be thrown, simple to use. Cons: Low damage output.


Maces are one-handed bludgeoning weapons that deal 1d6 damage. They are effective against armored foes and are a staple for many clerics.

Pros: Good against armored enemies, solid damage. Cons: Heavier than other simple weapons.


Quarterstaffs are versatile, two-handed weapons that deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage (1d8 when used with two hands). They are a favorite among monks and spellcasters.

Pros: Versatile, can be used with one or two hands. Cons: Requires two hands for maximum damage.


Sickles are small, curved blades that deal 1d4 slashing damage. They are light and easy to handle, often used by druids.

Pros: Light, easy to handle. Cons: Low damage output.


Spears are long, one-handed weapons that can also be thrown. They deal 1d6 piercing damage (1d8 when used with two hands) and are very versatile.

Pros: Versatile, can be thrown, decent damage. Cons: Limited to piercing damage.

Detailed Analysis of Ranged Simple Weapons 5E

Light Crossbows

Light crossbows are easy-to-use ranged weapons that deal 1d8 piercing damage. They are great for characters who need a reliable ranged option without complex mechanics.

Pros: Good damage, easy to use. Cons: Requires loading between shots.


Darts are small, throwable weapons that deal 1d4 piercing damage. They are lightweight and can be carried in large quantities.

Pros: Easy to carry, can be thrown. Cons: Low damage output.


Shortbows are simple ranged weapons that deal 1d6 piercing damage. They have a good range and are perfect for dexterous characters.

Pros: Good range, decent damage. Cons: Requires two hands.


Slings are one of the simplest ranged weapons, dealing 1d4 bludgeoning damage. They are easy to make and use, perfect for characters with limited resources.

Pros: Easy to make, simple to use. Cons: Low damage output.

Martial Ranged Weapons

Choosing the Right Simple Weapon for Your Character

When selecting a simple weapon, consider your character’s class, abilities, and playstyle. For instance, a wizard might prefer a dagger for its versatility, while a cleric might choose a mace for its effectiveness against armored foes.

Customizing Simple Weapons

Even simple weapons can be customized and enhanced. Enchanting a simple weapon can turn a mundane item into a powerful tool. Additionally, adding unique traits through roleplaying can give your weapon a personal touch.

Strategies for Using Simple Weapons Effectively

To make the most of simple weapons, combine them with your character’s abilities and spells. Use your environment to your advantage and remember that positioning and tactics can often outweigh raw damage output.


Simple melee weapons in 5e are essential tools for any adventurer. Their ease of use, accessibility, and versatility make them a valuable choice for players of all experience levels. Whether you’re wielding a club, a dagger, or a spear, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these weapons will enhance your gameplay and ensure your character is well-equipped for any challenge.


  1. What is the best simple weapon in 5e? The best simple weapon depends on your character and playstyle. Daggers and spears are popular for their versatility.
  2. Can simple weapons be enchanted? Yes, simple weapons can be enchanted, making them as powerful as some martial weapons.
  3. How do simple weapons compare to martial weapons? While martial weapons generally deal more damage, simple weapons are easier to use and accessible to all classes.
  4. Are simple weapons good for beginners? Absolutely! Their ease of use and versatility make them perfect for beginners.
  5. What classes benefit the most from simple weapons? Classes like clerics, druids, and wizards often benefit the most due to their limited weapon proficiencies.

5e Weapon Cost: A Comprehensive Guide

In the intricate world of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (5e), understanding the costs associated with weapons can significantly impact your gameplay and strategy. This comprehensive guide delves into the various aspects of 5e weapon costs, ensuring you have the knowledge to equip your character effectively without breaking the bank. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this article will provide valuable insights into the economics of weaponry in 5e.

Introduction to 5e Weapon Costs

In Dungeons & Dragons 5e, weapons are more than just tools for combat—they are extensions of your character’s abilities and personality. The cost of these weapons varies widely based on several factors, including type, rarity, and special features. Understanding these costs is crucial for effective character building and resource management.

Factors Influencing Weapon Costs

Material and Craftsmanship

The material from which a weapon is made greatly influences its cost. Common materials like iron and steel are less expensive compared to rare materials such as mithral or adamantine. Similarly, weapons crafted by master blacksmiths or enchanted by skilled wizards will command higher prices due to their superior craftsmanship and magical enhancements.

Weapon Type

Different types of weapons come with varying costs. Simple weapons are generally more affordable than martial weapons due to their ease of use and widespread availability. Exotic weapons, which require special training or proficiency, tend to be more expensive.

Enchantments and Magical Properties

Weapons with enchantments or magical properties are significantly more expensive than their mundane counterparts. A basic +1 weapon might cost a few hundred gold pieces, while a powerful artifact with multiple enchantments could cost thousands.

Rarity and Availability

The rarity of a weapon also affects its price. Common weapons are easily accessible and inexpensive, while rare or legendary weapons can be exceedingly costly due to their scarcity and the challenges involved in obtaining them.

Simple Weapons: Costs and Considerations

Simple weapons are accessible to all classes and are ideal for characters who do not specialize in combat. Here is a breakdown of common simple weapons and their costs:


Cost: 1 sp
Description: Clubs are basic, easily crafted weapons made from sturdy wood. They are a cost-effective option for characters who need a reliable melee weapon.


Cost: 2 gp
Description: Daggers are versatile weapons that can be used for both melee and ranged attacks. Their low cost and flexibility make them a popular choice for many characters.


Cost: 2 sp
Description: Greatclubs are larger, two-handed versions of clubs. They offer higher damage output at an affordable price, making them ideal for strong melee fighters.


Cost: 5 gp
Description: Handaxes can be used in melee combat or thrown at enemies. Their moderate cost reflects their versatility and utility.


Cost: 5 sp
Description: Javelins are designed for throwing and provide a good ranged option at a very low cost.

Light Hammers

Cost: 2 gp
Description: Light hammers can be used for both melee and ranged attacks. They are affordable and reliable, making them a solid choice for many characters.


Cost: 5 gp
Description: Maces are effective against armored foes and have a modest cost, suitable for clerics and other divine spellcasters.


Cost: 2 sp
Description: Quarterstaffs are versatile weapons that can be wielded with one or two hands. Their low cost and versatility make them popular among monks and spellcasters.


Cost: 1 gp
Description: Sickles are small, curved blades often used by druids. They are affordable and effective in close combat.


Cost: 1 gp
Description: Spears can be used in melee or thrown at enemies, providing flexibility at a low cost.

Martial Weapons: Costs and Considerations

Martial weapons require more proficiency and training, making them more expensive than simple weapons. Here is a detailed look at the costs of various martial weapons:


Cost: 10 gp
Description: Battleaxes are versatile, heavy weapons that can deal substantial damage. Their higher cost reflects their increased power and utility.


Cost: 10 gp
Description: Flails are designed to bypass shields and other defenses, offering a strategic advantage at a moderate cost.


Cost: 20 gp
Description: Glaives are polearms that provide reach and powerful attacks. Their cost reflects their effectiveness in combat.


Cost: 30 gp
Description: Greataxes are devastating two-handed weapons capable of dealing massive damage. Their high cost is justified by their destructive potential.


Cost: 50 gp
Description: Greatswords are powerful two-handed swords that offer exceptional damage output. Their significant cost reflects their potency in battle.


Cost: 20 gp
Description: Halberds combine the features of a spear and an axe, providing versatility and reach. Their cost is moderate, given their dual functionality.


Cost: 10 gp
Description: Lances are specialized for mounted combat, offering extended reach and powerful charges. Their cost is relatively low, considering their niche use.


Cost: 15 gp
Description: Longswords are versatile, one-handed weapons that can be used with a shield. Their cost is moderate, reflecting their balance of offense and defense.


Cost: 10 gp
Description: Mauls are massive hammers that deal significant bludgeoning damage. Their cost is modest, given their destructive power.


Cost: 15 gp
Description: Morningstars combine piercing and bludgeoning damage, making them effective against various armor types. Their cost is moderate.


Cost: 25 gp
Description: Rapiers are finesse weapons favored by dexterous fighters. Their higher cost reflects their precision and effectiveness in skilled hands.


Cost: 25 gp
Description: Scimitars are curved swords known for their speed and agility. Their cost is justified by their balance and finesse.


Cost: 10 gp
Description: Shortswords are light, versatile weapons that are ideal for stealthy characters. Their cost is relatively low, reflecting their accessibility.


Cost: 5 gp
Description: Tridents can be used in melee or thrown, offering versatility at a modest cost.

War Picks

Cost: 5 gp
Description: War picks are designed for piercing armor and dealing critical damage. Their cost is relatively low, given their specialized use.


Cost: 15 gp
Description: Warhammers are powerful, one-handed weapons effective against armored foes. Their cost is moderate, reflecting their utility in combat.

Exotic Weapons and Their Costs

Exotic weapons are rare and often require special proficiency or training. They are typically more expensive due to their unique properties and powerful abilities.

Double-Bladed Scimitar

Cost: 100 gp
Description: The double-bladed scimitar is a specialized weapon that allows for rapid attacks. Its high cost reflects its rarity and effectiveness.


Cost: 1 gp
Description: Nets are used to entangle enemies, providing a strategic advantage. Their cost is low, but they require skill to use effectively.


Cost: 2 gp
Description: Whips provide reach and can disarm or trip opponents. Their cost is modest, given their unique capabilities.

Magical Weapons and Their Costs

Magical weapons are rare and highly sought after. Their costs vary widely based on their enchantments and rarity.

+1 Weapons

Cost: 500-1,000 gp
Description: These weapons provide a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Their cost reflects the basic enchantment and increased effectiveness.

+2 Weapons

Cost: 4,000-8,000 gp
Description: These weapons offer a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Their higher cost is due to the enhanced enchantment.

+3 Weapons

Cost: 15,000-20,000 gp
Description: These weapons provide a significant +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Their cost is justified by their powerful enchantments.

Specialty Magical Weapons

Cost: Varies widely
Description: Weapons with unique magical properties, such as the Flame Tongue or the Frost Brand, have varying costs based on their abilities and rarity.

How to Acquire Weapons in 5e

Purchasing from Merchants

Weapons can be purchased from merchants in towns and cities. Prices may vary based on location, availability, and the player’s negotiation skills.

Crafting and Smithing

Characters with the appropriate skills can craft their own weapons. This requires materials, tools, and time but can result in significant cost savings.

Looting and Quests

Weapons can be acquired as loot from defeated enemies or as rewards from quests. This method is cost-effective but relies on chance and adventure.

Managing Weapon Costs in Your Campaign

Budgeting and Resource Management

Effective budgeting is crucial for managing weapon costs. Players should plan their expenditures and prioritize essential purchases.

Trading and Bartering

Players can trade or barter for weapons, using other items or services to reduce costs. This requires negotiation skills and opportunities.

Magical Weapon Considerations

While magical weapons are powerful, their high costs mean they should be carefully considered. Players should weigh the benefits against the expense.


Understanding the costs of weapons in Dungeons & Dragons 5e is essential for effective gameplay and character development. By considering factors such as material, type, enchantments, and rarity, players can make informed decisions about their equipment. Whether acquiring simple weapons for basic combat or seeking powerful magical artifacts, managing weapon costs is a critical aspect of any D&D campaign

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