Quickened Spell 5E Metamagic

Hello sorcerers! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the sixth episode of our metamagic series. Today we’re going to be going over quickened spell which is one of the most popular metamagics and it has a ton of crazy good useful applications that we’ll get into in a little bit here. In any case let’s dive right into its description.


When you cast a spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can spend 2 sorcery points to change the casting time to 1 bonus action for this casting.

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Needless to say gaining your action back or retaining your action instead of using it is super useful. A quick side note though can you cast 2 fireballs with quickened spell? you can only cast one leveled spell per turn so no double fireball but you can like quickened spell fireball and then use your action to cast a cantrip or something of that nature to kind of clean up the mess.

That being said, however there are far more useful applications of quickened spell than even that. That being said, let’s now take a look at my personal thoughts.


So there are a couple ways of using quickened spell without necessarily worrying about damage. One of the most common i’ve seen is combining quicken spell with hold person and then just walloping into the guy. This is most commonly done with paladin, sorcerer 5e hybrids which are relatively common seeing as a charisma is super useful for both of them.

So how it would play out is they’d use their quickened spell to cast hold person as a bonus action and then walk up to them and just smite that ever loving heck out of them. This works really well because hold person applies the paralyzed condition and any strike to a creature that’s paralyzed is an automatic crit.

That being said, this is a little risky simply because the paladins don’t have a ton of spell slots out of the gate at least and it kind of depends on how many levels they pump into sorcerer to really get the most for their buck out of this. That being said, however it is really good.

Another interesting use i’ve seen with quickened spell is if a caster is fleeing they will often use quicken spell to reserve their action so they can use that for a dash. This is super useful is the enemy is kind of within five feet of you, as you can quickened spell something like shocking grasp in order to remove their reaction entirely and then since they can’t take an attack of opportunity on you, you run away and then use your action to dash and clear even more distance you can also hypothetically use this to get out of counter spells range in a relatively similar manner.

There’s a ton of interesting uses for this and a lot of that has to do with just how versatile actions are in general. That being said, there are certainly more conventional uses like at higher levels you can cast fireball, quickened spell and then something like eldritch blast which at higher levels is capable of hitting multiple different enemies and that’s kind of the most common combination when you want to clean up any survivors of that fireball right you just allocate whatever blast, however many enemies are standing up and that’ll usually do the job more times that not although i suppose it does depend on the enemy but those are kind of some of the main strategies i see with quickened spell. You can also check out this booming blade.


That being said, let me know what you think down beneath in the comments section, be sure to mention any thoughts, questions, comments, or concerns with regards to quickened spell cantrip and as always i hope you all have a wonderful day and of course happy adventuring. Also read twinned spell 5e | distant spell 5e |

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