Skill Expert Feat 5E

Hello adventurers! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 78th episode of our feat series. In any case today we’re going to be taking a look at skill expert feat dnd 5e. Which i actually, i don’t know man i feel like this and the pre-existing feat skilled are going to be bumping into heads with each other and i think skill expert most would agree is a superior feat between the two.

So i’m not necessarily a huge fan of feats directly outshining each other. However that being said, i suppose it comes down to play style and what your end goal for the character is. So i don’t know, who knows check out the article on skilled if you want to know what’s going on there.

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That being said actually if you want to check out the full feat table just click on the following link dnd feats. In any case today we’re going to be diving into skill expert found in the tasha’s cauldron of everything book that was recently released. Now let’s take a moment here and dive into its description. Also check out our skill empowerment 5e.


So right out of the gate You have honed your proficiency with particular skills, granting you the following benefits: Increase one ability score of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice. Choose one skill in which you have proficiency.

You gain expertise with that skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The skill you choose must be one that isn’t already benefiting from a feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus.

Expertise if you’re not familiar, it doubles your proficiency bonus. Pretty good stuff! at least regarding that particular skill that’s chosen of course. It’s really nice, it is going to be worth noting that the feat does provide some additional text, namely the skill you choose must be the one that isn’t benefiting from a feature such as expertise that doubles your proficiency bonus so no quadruple proficiency bonuses at least not using this feat to the best of my knowledge there isn’t a way to gain quadruple proficiency.

At least not to the best of my knowledge there might be like a weird exploit but i’ve never seen it so there is that. Let me know down beneath if you know a way to do it. Now let’s quickly go through the walkthrough here. In case if you’ve missed our skills dnd explained blog post then please do check this out so that you can understand what are skills in d&d in an easy way.


Is skill expert a good feat? So it is a relatively simple feat. Plus one to any ability score, proficiency in one skill and gain expertise with a skill you already proficient in. You can also read article on tough feat 5e.

Really simple, really nice. How useful is it though. That’s kind of the question. Odds are it really does come down to play style and it really does come down to like the end goal of your particular character or even the campaign in which you’re operating in. What do i mean by that well let’s take a look at my personal thoughts here.


So out of the gate every once in a while i’ll meet a player who wants to have a character, that really isn’t bad at anything. Kind of like a jack of all trades if you want to look at it that way and to those characters if you grab skill expert, skilled take some levels in bard, grab some in rogue you’re likely to hit that point relatively quick.

Verdicts out on how well bard and rogue really synergize together. I think they do quite well especially if you go with the assassin but assassinate is just a really good ability and then you rely on the bard for dealing just solid amounts of dps. I think the lore bard works best with it, i can’t remember there’s a weird build out there.

Personally i’ve never played it but it’s kind of irrelevant for the sake of this article. So if that’s what you want for your character to have proficiency and damn near everything, then this is a pretty solid way to go about that.

There’s also going to be circumstances where you’re playing games that require you to make a ton of checks either because that’s something to do with the setting or the story for example if you have amnesia and you need to remember things and the only way you can remember is through history checks and you don’t have proficiency in history and you’re sick and tired of failing these roles this would be a good way of hedging your bets against that.

That being said, out side of those two uses it’s okay. Having proficiency and certainly expertise in any skill you’re likely to use is certainly a benefit. No matter what and then a plus one to any ability score is super nice as well. So there’s no real drawbacks in taking this.

Looking at it again and really thinking about it, i do think this is one of the stronger feats that’s out there currently. That being said, its usefulness really does come down to the person who’s choosing it and to the dm as well so just bear that in mind before you pick it.

Here we have compared some feats with this feat. You can select any of your interesting one from the below list.

  • skill expert vs observant
  • skill expert vs skilled
  • skill expert vs prodigy

1Q: Is there a feat that gives you expertise?

1A: Prodigy is the racial feat available only to Humans, Half-Elves, and Half-Orcs. Prodigy is very similar to Skill Expert in that it grants a Skill and an Expertise. Make sure to check out observant feat 5e.

2Q: How many times can you take skill expert 5e?

2A: Unfortunately none of the feats can be taken twice unless specifically allowed in the feat’s description. The skill expert doesn’t have any access to take twice. So it can be taken for one time only.

3Q: What is expertise in a skill 5e?

A: You gain expertise with that skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it.


That being said, let me know what you think about skill expert down beneath in the comments section. Be sure to mention any thoughts, questions, comments, concerns, build ideas or just ideas in general and i hope you all have a great day and as always happy adventuring. Don’t miss out our article about resilient feat 5e.

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