Moderately Armored 5E Feat

Hello adventurers of all shapes and sizes! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 37th episode of our feat series. Are you a fragile little character who can’t really do much to protect themself but wants to be able to. This sounds like your character then you know what this feat could be for you. Today we’re going to be taking a look at dnd 5e moderately armored feat. This feat is found in the players handbook so we should all have access to it and it’s kind of circumstances in terms of who can actually use it. We’ll get into that in a little later though. With that being said, let’s take a quick look at the description here so we know what we’re talking about.


It might be worth noting that first and foremost that there is a prerequisite here and that is you have to have proficiency with light armor which literally every class of the game he does as far as i know at least so. I would at least its inferred that they do i guess it doesn’t necessarily spell it out but i could be wrong, if i am please let me know in the comments but i don’t think so. Anyways the description reads as followed.

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You have trained to master the use of medium armor and shields, gaining the following benefits: Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. You gain proficiency with medium armor and shields.

Really cool stuff! Let’s go through the walkthrough and break that down a little.


So not really a whole lot of meat to work with the plus one is strength your dex are really cool! The medium armor and shields also very cool! In terms of the strength and dex by the way i’d probably lean towards the dex save reason being most medium armor if actually uses your dexterity modifier to determine your AC level so the height of your Dex up to a maximum of two or three if you get the medium armor master feat. Then it just helps you out a lot.

Who knows although if you’re close you’re gonna modify on your strength side that i might be worth doing that, kind of depends on your build. The medium armor and shields though super useful if there is a magical item that you want to be able to use that you can’t firmly. This is a great feat for being able to access a lot of those dungeon master guide items without necessarily suffering a whole lot of penalties. With that being said, let’s take a look at my thoughts on this.


So i feel compelled to be a little bit harsh on this feat just a little bit. Reason being i don’t really know who benefits from it. All the classes i can see using it there are more effective ways to boosting your AC than what medium armor would provide you with.

I mean it might make sense from the background point of view maybe there’s just not a whole lot of flavor to work with your so even feel hesitant to say that. In terms of who would benefit though the wizard for sure, most of the casters i guess technically would but a lot of them have ways around it. Honestly this would be good however if you’re DM did not let you multi class and a lot of them don’t or if you for whatever reason don’t want a multi class i know i have a couple commenters who are against it.

Reason why bring up multi classing is if you take one level of forged cleric you get proficiency with heavy armor just like that. So the feats are really finite in this game, i don’t know if you know that already but they usually come around only once every four levels. Now that being said you really want to have them give the maximum impact your character i just don’t see it with moderately armored.


That being said though, i might be wrong i kind of hope i am a little bit. That being said if you have any ideas for this feat, anyways to properly utilize it or any combinations that it’s necessary for please put it down in the comments beneath, i’m really curious, i’m genuinely curious and i feel like a lot of the people checking this article would be as well. So please help us all out by sharing your insight. That being said guys, happy adventuring and have a great day.

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