Charger Feat DnD 5E

Hello adventurers of all shapes and sizes! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 6th episode of our dnd 5e feats series. If you’re unfamiliar what a feat is or where you get one let me just give you brief explanation here. “Feats are extra abilities and skill you can give your character usually every four levels instead of an ability score inscrease.” So what that means is instead of boosting one of your stats by two or two your stats by one you can pick one of these.

Some classes get a little more frequently but as a rule of thumb it’s every four levels. With that out of the way let’s take a look at Charger feat dnd 5e. If you find your character constantly rushing into battles before anyone else constantly kind of becoming the biggest seen in bar brawls or just drawing the most aggro, then this feat might be for you. it is found in the players handbook, with that out of the way let’s take a look at the description here.

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First and foremost there is no prerequiste for this. Meaning any one of any race, any class, any skill set can pick this up. Let’s take a look at the descriptions we are kind of on the same page.

When you use your action to Dash, you can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon attack or to shove a creature. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking this bonus action, you either gain a +5 bonus to the attack’s damage roll (if you chose to make a melee attack and hit) or push the target up to 10 feet away from you (if you chose to shove and you succeed).

Pretty cool stuff! Let’s take a look at the walkthrough and break that down just a little bit more.


So you have to take the dash action first and foremost before you do anything else. If you’re unfamiliar what the dash action is it essentially lets you move your movement speed once more over. So if your movements 30 it lets you move an additional 30 is an action. It will be worth noting that it is still affected by movement reduction. So if someone cashed like an ice related spell they usually reduce your movement by both ten feet or so and use dash you can still only get an additional 20 feet as opposed to your full movement of 30.

That being said, you know it is what it is pretty cool. You can still get to attack so it’s not a huge detriment, that being said actions are pretty valuable and then you use your bonus action to do one melee weapon attack or to shove creature. The plus five to damage here super nice, super super nice. It really just bumped up your flat damage by a lot, the shovel oh mmm i’m not super sold on.

Might be good to get a person away from a certain area but it doesn’t knock them prone. So knock them prone when i feel like this feat would be far better. Yeah so that’s just to break it down a little bit for you, my own personal thoughts on it.


You know mechanically it’s kind of meh. The +5 bonus to damage attack roll is really nice but you know outside of that it’s kind of lackluster for me it really is i’m sure a lot of people really like it. I know of a couple characters i’ve played games with who have picked it and used two fairly effectively mind you but it’s kind of a circustantial feat and to be honest, outside of flavor i can’t really imagine a reason why this would be better than some of the others.

Wrap Up

My own personal thoughts maybe i’m wrong if you have any ideas for this feat any builds regarding it or any creative uses you can think of please put them down in the comments below i greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much guys and as always happy adventuring. Also check out this mobile feat 5e.

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