Movement and Position 5E Combat

Hello adventurers of all shapes and sizes! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 5th episode of our combat series. This one is probably gonna be the longest at least out of the individual articles. There’s a lot more to cover here than i initially ever could have imagined. That being said, let’s take a look at movement and position 5e which you don’t inherently think is really complicated but it kind of is so. With that being said, let’s run along now and take a look at how does movement work?.

How Does Movement Work In 5E?

In combat, characters and monsters are in constant motion, often using movement and position to gain the upper hand. On your turn, you can move a distance up to your speed. You can use as much or as little of your speed as you like on your turn, following the rules here. Your movement can include jumping, climbing, and swimming. These different modes of movement can be combined with walking, or they can constitute your entire move. However you’re moving, you deduct the distance of each part of your move from your speed until it is used up or until you are done moving.

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“Once per turn you have a maximum move speed. It is determined by your race, class and any buffs and debuffs supplied to you.”

Moving Between Actions And Attacks

“You can part out your movement throughout your turn.” So you can move attack again or a move attack little bit tank again, move bonus action, move reaction, stuff like that. So you can part up your turnovers as you like. In any case you may also have interested in ready action 5e.

Moving Around Other Creatures:

So this is a particularly interesting one in the way that you can move it through friendly and hostile creatures (at least 2 sizes larger/smaller than you) Interesting and that’s to turn my creatures space which we’ll get into a little bit later. It is considered difficult terrain which will also get into later. And you may not end your turn there. Also check out this flying movement 5e.

Using Different Speeds:

If you have multiple movements, you can switch back and forth throughout your turn. You subtract all movement from both movement speeds though.

So for example, let’s say you have a run speed of 60 and a fly speed of 30 however it is you got it. You would only be able to move a total of 60 feet not 90 feet because you would have to subtract any distance moved from both totals.

So to get the most bang for your buck you probably use the fly speed first to its maximum because flying super useful and you really don’t want to be caught in the air with no way to get down we’ll get into that a little bit later and then your movement speed for the rest of a turn. that being said, let’s take a look at all of the special kinds or types of movement.

Special Types of Movement

The first being difficult terrain: Every foot in difficult terrain costs 1 extra foot of movement. So if you want to move five feet it’s now ten feet it essentially doubles it. It does stack with other things those so we’ll get into that later as well.

Prone: You can fall prone for no movement cost. However standing up takes half of your maximum movement. Your movement is considered to be a crawl and every foot of movement costs 1 extra foot. This also stacks with difficult terrain, so if you have both difficult terrain and the crawling movement for every 1 foot moved you it cost an extra two so if you want to move it 5 feet it actually costs you 15.

You have disadvantage on attack rolls and creatures within 5 feet of you have advantage on attack rolls against you; creatures further away however have disadvantage. Don’t miss this 5e movement diagonal.

Flying: Flying is one of the best movement types in 5e. However it does have an element of danger to it. If a flying creature without magical aid or hover is made prone or reduced to zero speed it falls dealing 1d6 per 10 feet to a maximum of 20d6. Which is pretty dang massive. Let’s move on to special types of movement part two.

Climbing, Swimming and Crawling: Every one foot in an unfamiliar movement costs an extra one foot of movement. The DM can also mix in various checks to determine the success of the movement. This is like in the instance of a strong current pulling against you or a slippery rock in the stonewall you’re scaling stuff like that.

Jumping: So jumping is broken down into two main types that is the long jump and the high jump and from there it is broken down into the running or standing variants of it. We’ll start with long jump.

Long Jump: If you do a running long jump it’s based off of your strength score, not your modifier, your score and it’s an equal number of feet. It does consume the movement though so bear that in mind.

Standing: So that’s without a ten-foot running start just from a stationary position or five feet you know, anything under 10 feet. It’s your strength score divided by two.

High Jump: If you take a running start that’s a ten foot running start it’s 3+your strength modifier so the little remember.

Standing: However so no running movement speed is 3+your strength modifier divided by two. The minimum fall of hese by the way is zero. The DM once again can also mix in checks as they DM required.

Really cool stuff, i absolutely like it. That being said, let’s move on to my personal thoughts on movement and position. In any case you can also read this 5e standing up from prone attack of opportunity.


I really like it, i like how 5E did it all. I just really hate the way it’s worded in the PHB so hopefully this article was able to help you guys out quite a bit. That being said, if you have any cool stories or ideas involving d&d 5e movement in combat please put them down in the comments beneath i really love hearing from you guys. Thank you so much guys for the support, i really appreciate it. I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always happy adventuring. Keep reading this how much movement does it take to stand up in 5e? | 5e moving through allies difficult terrain |

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