Healing Spirit Spell DnD 5E

Hello magic casters! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 36th episode of our second level spell series. Today we’re gonna be taking a look at one of the most optimistically disappointing rollercoaster ride of a spell’s basically in 5e. Today we’re going to be taking a look at healing spirit 5e spells.

If you’ve done any matter of googling regarding overpowered spells in 5th edition and i’m sure most of you have, this is bound to have made a couple of the lists at least it was that way. It’s not really that case anymore they nerfed it pretty hard and we’ll get into why that is but before we do.

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This spell is usable by druid and the ranger and it is found in the xanathar’s guide to everything book which goes without saying is an absolute must-have if you’re playing 5e. There’s so much great content in there, it’s almost difficult to really build a multi-dimensional character without it. In any case let’s take a look at the mechanics so we can better understand his spell.


  • Level: 2nd
  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range/Area: 60 ft (5 ft Cube)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 Minute (Concentration)
  • School: Conjuration
  • Attack/Save: None
  • Damage/Effect: Healing

The effect at a glance reads as followed: Create a magical avatar, that heals creatures within its area 1d6. The avatar can heal up to one + your spellcasting modifier. As a bonus action, you can move the avatar 30ft. You can also check out this healing potion 5e.

Your cast time is one bonus action which is great, your range is 60 feet, but the actual area of effect is a five-foot cube, the duration is one minute sadly it’s concentration but it’s pretty good and then the components are verbal and the somatic. You should not miss this cure wounds 5e.

At higher levels the amount of healing increases by 1d6 per spell slot level above 2nd. So if you can also using a third level spell slot it would deal 2d6 and the school is conjuration. Which makes sense. Now let’s look into the full description and i’ll kind of explain the pseudo broken nature of it and how it was corrected here as well. Also check out this aura of vitality 5e.


You call forth a nature spirit to soothe the wounded. The intangible spirit appears in a space that is a 5-foot cube you can see within range. The spirit looks like a transparent beast or fey (your choice). Until the spell ends, whenever you or a creature you can see moves into the spirit’s space for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, you can cause the spirit to restore 1d6 hit points to that creature (no action required).

The spirit can’t heal constructs or undead. The spirit can heal a number of times equal to 1 + your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of twice). After healing that number of times, the spirit disappears. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the spirit up to 30 feet to a space you can see.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 2nd.

Okay, so it back in the old good days that restraint on the amount of times can heal didn’t used to be there. They added it in as an errata after the fact. Now the reason why that made it broken is within combat you could get a ridculous amount of healing and i’ve virtually guaranteed full HP at the end of combat encounters. Also read healing word 5e.

For the use of a simple second level spell slot which needless to say is pretty common especially at the higher levels. So because of that and because it was like the whole ring-around-the-rosie concept they decided to nerf it a little by limiting the amount of times it could heal. Sad part of that is it made it a lot less desirable to ay the least. You can also check out one of this best healing spells 5e.

The ranger in 5e has been hurn quite a bit in terms of their spell selection and this was one of the best spells they had access to in terms of being a support character and then they lost it, so it was kind of hurtful. I get they have subclasses that can work as support get all that but you know as much as i hate to admit it the ranger in 5e for the vast majority of players does not scale nearly as well as a lot of the other classes do. Don’t miss this is healing spirit broken 5e.

So that’s just my personal opinion you can feel free to debate it if you like but it’s just something i’ve seen demonstrated over and over again and eventually when we will cover the ranger as a class and break down all of its subclasses and everything else, i’ll get into more in depth there. But in any case not important, what is important is this spell, that being said, let’s take a look at some alternative uses now. Also read healing spells that work on undead 5e.

Alternative Uses

So the best alternative use is to use this in terms of just being a combat medic. The fact that it only takes a bonus action to cast and the fact that it really only takes a bonus action to gain any level of interaction with it, it’s super great and the fact that it can heal without taking an action makes it ideal, it essentially provides you with a temporary, secondary healer which is really good and really beneficial in terms of of action economy which is nice. Also read this healing spirit 5e nerf.

Outside of that you could really leverage the fact that it takes such a potentially angelic figure and you could use that to curry favor with towns, villages maybe even primitive tribes as well.

Outside of both of those things i would like to point out that if you’re in a particular area where there is a lot of combat and rapid succession namely gladiatorial combat would be a good example this would be a great way of still being able to get those heals in without directly participating in the fight yourself. So it’s pretty cool! there’s a lot of really good uses for this.


That being said, if you have any alternative uses, ideas, thoughts, questions, comments, concerns regarding this healing spirit 5e original please put it down beneath in the comment section i really do appreciate it. That being said, i hope you all have a great day and as always happy casting everyone.

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