Identify DnD 5E Spell

Hello spellcasters of all shapes and sizes! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 49th episode of our first level spell series. Let’s take a look at today’s episode identify dnd 5e spell guide perfect for you know kind of just known what’s on, this is an incredibly popular one has been in d&d for a super long time and is super useful in so many ways. Probably one of the most useful for subtle spells.

Currently usable by the bard, wizard and the artificer class which kind of hooked me a little bit but i’ll get into that in a later article. In any case it is found in the players handbook as well so we should all have access to it. That being said, let’s take a look at its mechanics.

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  • Level: 1st
  • Casting Time: 1 Minute (Ritual)
  • Range/Area: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M *
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • School: Divination
  • Attack/Save: None
  • Damage/Effect: Detection

Your cast time is one minute and it can be ritual casted for an additional 10. Super good, i would always recommend doing that, i don’t really imagine a whole lot of situations where time is that important. The range is touch and the duration is instantaneous.

The effect at a glance is as followed: Touch an object and learn its properties and how you can use it. Pretty cool! You can also cast this spell on a creature and learn what spells are affecting it. Also super cool, not a lot of people know about that last part but super useful.

The components are somatic, material and verbal. If you’re curious about that material component it is actually a pearl worth at least a hundred gold piece and an owl feather. You have to have that pearl since there’s a monetary value attached to it, means it will not be substitutable by a spell component poach or anything like that.

It is not consumed in the spell though so that’s good at least. For the school you’ll be looking at divination which makes a lot of sense for this. With that out of the let’s take a look at the description here.


You choose one object that you must touch throughout the casting of the spell. If it is a magic item or some other magic-imbued object, you learn its properties and how to use them, whether it requires attunement to use, and how many charges it has, if any. You learn whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell, you learn which spell created it. If you instead touch a creature throughout the casting, you learn what spells, if any, are currently affecting it. * – (a pearl worth at least 100 gp and an owl feather)

Really cool stuff! god do i love this one, it is a staple in almost any wizard’s arsenal if you can ritual cast and you have access to it. There’s no reason not to pick identify as far as i’m concerned. One member of your party should always be able to cast this. You can also check out this druid 5e features and also druid circle 5e list.

It just takes a lot of the guesswork out of items between this and detect magic 5e it’s a pretty solid build for discovering things and knowing what they are. The ability to affect creatures is also super cool, once again not a lot of people know about that but it is the case with the spell. Super useful you know a ton of ways as well. that being said, let’s take a look at some alternative uses here.

Alternative Uses

So what is the use of identify 5e? So you could definitely use identify to infiltrate and extort and get the most bang for your buck out of shops. Simply touch an item verify it is what it is or learn a new property about it and then downplay the value of significance of it to get yourself a great deal.

If you decide to go the other route you end up becoming a shopkeeper in some right or another and you take things in on trade you can use this to verify that quite effectively as well and put your own kind of value on it. Really cool stuff! I really this spell. Also check out 5e what are ability checks.

DnD Identify Ritual

So as we discussed in the above description it taught us like that you got learn about the spell on an object which you could use the ritual on (if there is single). So for a wizard class, does this mean you to acquire the spell or do you only acquire some information about the spell? Do rituals also specifically require materials to cast or does it go under the same rule with the arcane focus? So let’s discuss now.

Here the ritual tag simply means that you are able to cast a spell without any expending spell slot if you would have it be prepared or be aware of it. Here are some material components are still needed (100 gold piece Pearl) but an Identify spell may not state the Pearl is consumed. If you have one on in person then no problem it’s fine to have. As for learning about magic of an object, you can learn how it was created, what it could do, and how to use it.

For a Wand of Fear, you would got to know about the Fear spell and how many charges it has left with. However, that doesn’t mean you can now cast Fear yourself. So if you would do that, you have to copy the spell into your book from an another Spellbook or scroll, which needs time and Gp as described in the Wizard spellcasting section. Other classes could pick the spell up through spell-exchange as they level up.


Outside of that you can also take your newfound abilities to a more practical level or a more medical level at the very least. Imagine using this to diagnose magical conditions. I really do like it, the only downside is it mentions that it has to be a spell. So certain conditions won’t have as much of an impact on it. But if it is arcane and nature you should be able to figure it out, fairly easily. I really like this one, i really do.

That being said, if you guys have any cool uses or anything like that, please put it down in the comments down in the comment section, i really do appreciate it. Be sure to include stories, interesting adventures or just general thoughts, i really do appreciate it once again. That being said, i hope you all have a great day and as always happy casting.

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