Arcane Lock 5E Spell

Hello magic casters of all shapes and sizes! Welcome to my spellbook and thank you so much for checking out the 5th episode of our second level spell series. Today we’re gonna be talking about one of the lesser used spells on the second level spells if that makes sense.

By that what i mean is i haven’t actually been in a campaign where this spell has gone any screen time, i’ve looked over it a lot, i’ve glanced at it a few times but for the most part i never seem to pick it and i gotta say upon doing more research and really thinking about it, i really think this has a lot of potential to it.

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Again what i mean by that a little bit later on, so if you haven’t guessed it, today we’re gonna be taking a look at dnd arcane lock spell. Arcane lock is found in the players handbook and it is usable by the wizard and the artificer really good stuff! it pretty much is what it sounds like it is. Anyways let’s go on to the mechanics and break it down a little bit.


  • Level: 2nd
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range/Area: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M *
  • Duration: Until Dispelled
  • School: Abjuration
  • Attack/Save: None
  • Damage/Effect: Utility

So your cast time is one action which is pretty good, its range is a touch. Its duration is very interesting its the duration is until dispelled what that means is unless it gets dispelled it’s always there, isn’t that nuts! man its awesome.

Its effect at a glance is as followed: Magically lock a closed door, window, gate, chest or other entryway. You and other designated creatures are not effected. You can also set up a password that surpresses the spell for 1 minute, when spoken within 5 feet. While affected by this spell, the object is harder to break into, or force open. Add 10 to the DC. Which is pretty incredible.

The components are somatic, material and verbal. Now the material component is something worth noting because it does have a cost to it, it’s gold dust worth at least 25 gold piece which the spell consumes so very important there. And the school is abjuration which is interesting. I would have thought enchantment but whatever i mean technically it protects the lock so maybe. In any case let’s get on to the full description and just better flesh this out.


You touch a closed door, window, gate, chest, or other entryway, and it becomes locked for the duration (Which in case you don’t remember it is until dispelled 🙂 ). You and the creatures you designate when you cast this spell can open the object normally. You can also set a password that, when spoken within 5 feet of the object, suppresses this spell for 1 minute.

Otherwise, it is impassable until it is broken or the spell is dispelled or suppressed. Casting knock on the object suppresses arcane lock for 10 minutes. While affected by this spell, the object is more difficult to break into or force open; the DC to break it or pick any locks on it increases by 10. Which is pretty nuts i tell you. * – (gold dust worth at least 25 gp, which the spell consumes) Also check out this knock 5e.

So there is a lot of very cool uses for this. But something i want to point out first and foremost is any wizard with anything to protect should probably pick the spell for no other reason than to lock his spellbook. Makes sense like lock it to a chain or something of that nature i know the spell specifically says entryways but i would make an argument that anything with a lock can be casted with this spell, there can be enchanted with this spell.

If that makes sense, i know i’m kind of wrong on that by raw but i would certainly allow that in my games and makes sense thematically and logically. That being said, let’s move on to some alternative uses and see what we can come up with.

Alternative Uses

So first and foremost and thinking about this is kind of hilarious if you get the implications behind it. Because it’s range is touch a familiar to cast this. Now what makes that so freaking hilarious is imagine that you’re approaching a mafia or criminal syndicate headquarters and there’s like two or three guards out front but behind that door you know there’s a legion of them waiting for you.

Just have your cat, spider whatever walk up to the door. Cast arcane lock on it and then you can deal with them at your own leisure which is a very very very cool. I think it’s hilarious, you’d be stuck with only facing three of them while everyone else is forced to watch or listen through the door i think that’s great. In any case you should not miss this greater arcane lock 5e.

Outside of that, if you’re a more chaotic evil character you can use this or even if you’re a cautious character. You can use this to lock your room in an inn to prevent people from sneaking in or you can just lock doors at random and kind of watch the chaos unfold. Keep reading this arcane grimoire 5e.

If you’re a shopkeep or if you’re charged with protecting a store or our other venue. Arcane lock would drastically help you bolster security because you can’t be everywhere at once. And once again this is kind of a home-brewed implication or application rather of this spell but i would allow it to be used on anything with a lock and that would include restraints. So that check to break out of those restraints would increase by 10 which is massive, absolutely massive. Keep reading arcane eye 5e.


That being said guys, if you have any alternative uses, interesting ideas or cool stories involving arcane lock spell please let me know in the comment section down below. I really appreciate and i really love reading them. That being said guys, thank you so much for checking out today, i really do appreciate it. I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always happy casting. Don’t miss this arcane gate 5e | arcane archer 5e | arcane focus 5e | armor 5e | arcane trickster 5e |

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